It’s nerve wracking to have to wonder if people think that I got my job just for having ovaries. It’s even worse if they’re right.

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"Housekeeping" should really go last.

Most important thing first! https://jakeseliger.com/2023/11/20/finally-some-good-tumor-news-but-also-is-that-blood-i-just-spit-up/

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Decades of experiments in psychology show how deeply in-group vs. out-group thinking is wired into our brains. Which is why smart people like King, Sowell, and McWhorter are very careful about choosing the primary axes along which groups are defined. Experience shows what a disaster it becomes when we allow those primary axes to be race, or gender, or sexual orientation – or really any axis we have no agency over. Unfortunately those are the exact axes that DEI focuses our attention on.

It is also the case that even if there is some discrimination against group X, the individuals in group X might be better off by simply ignoring it and trying hard. Dwelling on systemic problems that one has no agency over can easily rob one of personal motivation. This is a mindset that the Asian cultures strongly adopt and I would say it's one reason for their successes.

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Coleman is the GOAT!

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