Great year! I would love to hear more about the next steps.. like last year I feel that many things explored were on why things are not working πŸ˜….. what do we do now? Can we explore alternative models of governance? Predictions and discussions on upcoming societal shifts? The role of belief systems in shaping individual and collective behavior? Comparative analyses of different political and economic systems around the world.. is there something worth learning about/ from and implementing? And then.. personally my heart in education - can we change the way we learn? Modern approaches to education and skill-building? Just some thoughts. Looking forward following your next projects!

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Great collection and love what you do, but I notice a lack of new names on here. It’s an important act of maturity and community mentorship to broadcast smaller voices whose work you find to be important. Hope to see more undiscovered gems in the future.

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Jan 11Liked by Erik Torenberg

Congrats on the new chapter and projects! Waiting for that PVK convo :)

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Your SF 2.0 idea is truly exceptional, capturing the imagination like nothing else. Balaji's step-by-step breakdown of a strategy in a MoZ episode was a highlight. Your content, optimism, and work continue to inspire. Keep it up!

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Enjoyed the interactions with Arnold Kling and discussions of his ideas. An underrated thinker in my book.

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